Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Senate Omnibus Education Funding Bill Summary
Article I—General Education
1. Basic Formula Increased
a. $5,174 PPU for 2011-2012 school year
b. $5,224 PPU for 2012-2013 school year
2. Compensatory Revenue Frozen at 2010-2011 Level
3. Elementary and Secondary Sparsity De-Linked (SF 422)
4. Transportation Sparsity De-Linked (SF 422)
5. Maintenance of Effort for District Support Staff (Counselors, Nurses, Social Workers) Repealed (SF 56)
6. Salary Freeze for ALL School District Staff for this Biennium (SF 56)
Article II-Education Excellence
1. Teaching Candidates MUST Pass Examinations in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics Before Being Issued a License.
2. Future Teacher Salary Increases Based on Student Achievement
a. At least 50% of a teacher’s salary increase contained in future contracts must be based on a teacher’s performance and evaluation using student achievement levels as measured on statewide assessments.
b. If no statewide assessment results are available, salary increases must be based on student performance on districtwide assessments of state and local standards and teacher-developed assessments. If no districtwide assessments are available, increases must be based on student performance on teacher-developed and administrator-approved assessments of state and local standards.
3. Qualified Economic Offer for School District Bargaining Proposed
4. Teacher Evaluation and Tenure Reform (SF 636)
5. Full-Service School Zones Proposed (SF 372)
6. ServeMinnesota Innovation Act (SF 390)
7. Career and Technical Levy Increased (SF 451)
8. Integration Aid Extended Through 2011-2012 School Year and Replaced with Literacy Incentive Aid (SF 618/SF 422)
a. Integration Aid re-named Literacy Transition Revenue going to districts at same level as in 2010-2011 School Year.
b. Beginning with 2011-2012 School Year, a two-component categorical—Literacy Incentive Aid—is established. Total revenue generated will be equal to percent of students in each of a district’s buildings who score as proficient on the reading portion of the MCA-IIs averaged across three test administrations times $150 PLUS the percent of students in fourth grade in each of a district’s schools making medium or high growth averaged across three test administrations time $150.
Article III—Special Programs
1. Special Education Revenue Growth Factors Eliminated
Article IV—Facilities and Technology
1. Health and Safety Application Process Streamlined (SF 289)
2. Lease Levy for TIES Building Improvements (SF 315)
Article V—Nutrition and Accounting
1. Levy Recognition Based on Pre-Credit Amounts
2. Districts Can Transfer $51 PPU from Capital Fund to General Fund for 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 School Years
Article VI—Libraries
1. Appropriations at Governor’s Recommendations
Article VII—Early Childhood Education
1. Appropriations at Governor’s Recommendations
Article VIII—Prevention
1. Appropriations at Governor’s Recommendations
Article IX—Self-Sufficiency and Lifelong Learning
1. ABE Formula Adjustment at Governor’s Recommendation
2. Appropriations at Governor’s Recommendations
Article X—State Agencies
1. Trial Placement at MSAD Allowed
2. $6 Million Cut to MDE Budget
Sunday, March 20, 2011
House Omnibus Education Bill Summary
Article I—General Education
1. Formula Allowance
a. $5,155 PPU for 2011-2012 (0.6% increase)
b. $5,210 PPU for 2012-2013 (1.1% increase)
c. $5,250 PPU for 2013-2014 and Beyond (0.8% increase)
2. Compensatory, Elementary and Secondary Sparsity, and Transportation Sparsity De-Linked
3. Small Schools Revenue Funding Category Created
4. Total Operating Capital Equalizing Factor Increased from $10,700 PPU to $12,790 PPU
5. Multiplier for Extended Time Revenue Increased from $4,601 PPU to $5,124 PPU
6. Maintenance of Effort for School Support Staff (Counselors, Social Workers, School Nurses) Repealed (HF 511)
7. Staff Development Set-Aside and Distribution Formula Repealed (Staff Development Set-Aside Re-established without Distribution Formula in Article X Language)(HF 511)
8. January 15 Negotiating Deadline and Penalty Repealed (HF 511)
9. Early Graduation Achievement Scholarship Program Created (HF 257)
Article II—Education Excellence
1. Grad Test Exemption Eliminated/New High Stakes Text Framework Created (HF 568/HF 655)
2. District and Charter School Grading System and School Recognition Program Created (HF 638)
3. Qualified Economic Offer Established as Bargaining Option (HF 269)
4. All Districts/Charter Schools Required to Adopt Q-Comp (HF 947)
5. 403(b) Vendors Decided by District (HF 511)
6. Annual Principal Evaluations Established (HF 879)
7. Enrollment Options for Students at Persistently Low-Performing Public Schools (HF 273)—Bill is Limited to Cities of the First Class
8. Integration Revenue Program Re-named Innovation Revenue Program
a. Minneapolis Reduced from $480 PPU to $168.50 PPU (All Levy)
b. St. Paul Reduced from $445 PPU to $133.50 PPU (All Levy)
c. All Other Districts Currently Receiving Integration Revenue Receive at Current Levles with a Cap of $129 PPU (70% Aid/30% Levy)
9. New Bargaining Framework That Ensures No Bargaining During Months School is in Session Created (HF 339)
Article III—Special Education
1. Special Education Revenue Growth Factors Repealed
2. Third-Party Re-imbursement Program Established (HF 535)
3. Districts Not Required to Provide Educational Services to Non-Special Education Students from Other States Unless Tuition Agreement in Place (HF 360)
Article IV—Facilities and Technology
1. Alternative Facilities Program Made All Levy
2. School Districts With Maximum Effort Loan Awarded Prior to January 1, 1997, May Pay Full Outstanding Principal on the Loan Prior to July 1, 2012, and the Liability of the District on the Loan is Satisified (HF 782)
Article V—Nutrition and Accounting
1. Levy Recognition Based on Pre-Credit Amounts
2. Commissioner Must Approve All Fund Transfer Requests Provided Transfer Does Not Increase Property Taxes (Debt Service Fund Exempted Due to Tax Increase Provision or from either Community Service or Food Service Funds)
Article VI—Libraries
1. No Language Changes, Proposed Appropriations at Current Law Levels
Article VII—Early Childhood
1. Minnesota Early Childcare Program Reorganized/Reformed (HF 669) Provisions include:
a. Parent Aware
b. Early Childhood Education Scholarships
c. Commissioner of Education Required to Report by January 15, 2013, on Recommendations to Streamline Minnesota’s Early Childhood Education Delivery System
Article VIII—Prevention
1. School District Population Requirement for Community Education Director Raised from 2,000 to 10,000 (HF 511)
Article IX—Self-Sufficiency and Lifelong Learning
1. Adult Basic Education Set at $44,550,000
Article X—State Agencies
1. Teacher Evaluation/Tenure Reform Program Established (HF 945)
2. Perpich Center for Arts Education Dissolved/Converted to Charter School (HF 1078)
Article XI—Forecast Adjustments