Thursday, January 04, 2007

We're Back in Business. The Legislature convened on Wednesday, January 3, and while things aren't exactly flying yet, a couple of very important events took place today.

Primary among these events was the press conference held by Senate Tax Chair Tom Bakk (DFL-Cook) announcing and outlining SF 1, the 2007 Property Tax Relief Act. It's clear that the Senate DFL is making property tax relief one of its highest--probably the highest--priority during the 2007 legislative session.

Here is a link with more information regarding the bill, with both video from Senator Bakk's press conference and a diagram outlining, in rough terms, the bill's goals. Link:

Text of the bill can be found at the following link: (Note that the bill text is provided in a pdf file, so you must have Adobe Acrobat to view the text.)

Due to the YMCA Youth in Government convention, the House was not in session today and will next meet again on Monday, January 8. The first House Files of the year will be introduced at that time.

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