Thursday, July 10, 2008

An Interesting Possibility. Many of you know Richard Wassen, former staff member at the Minnesota Department of Education and the Minnesota Board of Teaching. Earlier this week, Wassen, now working for the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Minnesota, called me regarding the college's efforts to bring Clifford Adelman, a distinguished education researcher and former Senior Research Analyst for the United States Department of Education, to Minnesota for a presentation. Adelman now works for the Institute for Higher Education Policy.

Adelman has a very distinguished career and has written a number of influential books and articles on education, especially as it relates to the transition from high school to college. Getting Adelman to town would be a true coup and I will keep you posted as to progress toward that event.

One of Adelman's most influential works is Answers in the Tool Box: Academic Intensity, Attendance Patterns, and Bachelor's Degree Attainment. A link to a summary of that work (along with access to the entire document) can be found at through the link below:

Tool Box:

An effort related to Adelman's work is LearnMoreMN. Information on this exciting work can be found at the link below:


Interesting Survey at Minnesota 2020. With the Minnesota Department of Eduction's approval of the MACCRAY ISD #2180's plan to go to a four-day school week, this idea has piqued the curiosity of both other school districts and education policy makers throughout the state.

Minnesota 2020 is taking a survey from interested parties on this question. To participate in the survery, go to this link on thee Minnesota 2020 website.

Four Day School Week Poll:{DEF7F7BE-3CDC-40A4-AF15-B21574248771}

Legislative Committee Approaching. The first SEE Legislative Committee Meeting of the 2008-2009 program year will be held on Tuesday, July 22, at the MASA office complex conference room. The meeting will begin at 9:30 and run until 11:30 when we will end with lunch. We will set the parameters for the 2009 Legislative Platform at this meeting. Since I have been Executive Director (and I believe before I was Executive Director), all members have a standing invitation to participate in legislative committee proceedings. However, if you are planning on attending, please let Deb Griffiths know. Her e-mail is

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