Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Native American Education Discussed Today.  The Minnesota Department of Education's report developed by the Indian Education Working Group was discussed in both the Senate Education Finance Committee and the House Education Finance Committee.  It was a very inspiring presentation by members of Minnesota's Native American community that highlights many of the challenges facing Minnesota's Native American students and the gifts that these students bring to schools throughout the state.  I am trying to locate the report online and will post it as soon as I can find the link.  Clearly, this was a very valuable report that provides some guidance in dealing with the achievement and opportunity gaps that Native American students face.

Senate Republican Education Funding Plan.  The dust has settled a bit and the numbers are being reconciled (I'm still trying to see how it adds up exactly) and here are a couple of articles published this morning about the Senate Republican's plan to increase the general education basic formula by 3% in each of the next two years at a projected cost of $455 million.  From my own calculations, I'm guessing there is a de-linking of several categorical formulas from the basic formula, as a "clean" 3% under current law would cost closer the $500 million (perhaps a bit more).  But what's $50 million or so among friends.  I found Cyndy Brucato's article in MinnPost a bit on the pointed side, but given she worked for former Governor Arne Carlson, who was viewed as a reformer, it shouldn't come as that much of a surprise.  It's difficult to give a full review of the Senate Republican plan because the only details that have been released are:  (1) 3% on the formula in each year, and (2) no new mandates.  We didn't hear any specific suggestions on language that may be part of a bill crafted by the Senate Republicans although both Senator Sean Nienow--the Senate Republican education "lead" and Senator Dave Hann--the Senate minority leader--indicated that the reform part of the equation will be introduced and we will likely see a number of amendments reflecting these reforms offered throughout the process by which the Senate omnibus education bill will be constructed.

Brucato MinnPost article:

Here's an article from the StarTribune on the proposal:

The Libertarian View.  I don't spend a ton of times perusing libertarian websites, but I came across this article at that pretty much comes from the "money doesn't matter" school of education funding thought.  I always think it's instructive to put as many views as I can in front of readers and although I don't agree with what's written here, it does reflect a viewpoint that has picked up considerable steam over the past couple of decades. article:

Bill Introductions.

The House had a short floor session today to "push paper" (slang for:  process committee reports) and allow for bill introductions.  Below is a list of the education-related bills introduced in the House today.


HF 1209--Barrett--Requires suicide prevention training and requires training for law enforcement in techniques to de-escalate mental health crises--

HF 1219--Davnie--Requires reporting data on homeless and highly mobile students--

HF 1222--Hertaus--Authorizes school boards to reallocate compensatory revenue--

HF 1223--Newton--Authorizes a grant for a fabrication lab for the Anoka-Hennepin school district--

HF 1224--Daniels--Appropriates money for technology and operations at the Minnesota State Academies for the Deaf and Blind--

HF 1231--Mariani--A resolution urging the President and Congress to overhaul the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)--

HF 1237--Christensen--Modifies certain Individualized Education Program (IEP) provisions--

HF 1244--Runbeck--Requires the terms of school board members to run concurrently--

HF 1248--Freiburg--Creates process that would convey school buildings of the West Metro Education Program to member districts--

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