Wednesday, June 23, 2021

 Bill Language and Summary Available.  Below are links to HF 2--the E-12 omnibus bill language and summary--that will be discussed this evening in the House Ways and Means Committee.  Note that the bill is only 71 pages this year.  Traditionally, the E-12 omnibus bill runs at least 200 pages and covers a vast array of projects and formulas.  This year's bill is narrowly focused with very little in terms of on-going education funding beyond the basic formula and funding for a variety of programs aimed at increasing the number of teachers of color.  I am sure there will be a spreadsheet and district-by-district runs available soon (perhaps even later today) and I will get those on the blog as soon as I receive them.

2021 Omnibus Education Funding and Policy Bill Language

2021 Omnibus Education Funding and Policy Bill Summary


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